Saturday, March 29, 2008


This was the crazy fun indoor theme park (inside of a mall). I have never been to Mall of America, but I'm pretty sure that this one would take the trophy. We didn't make it to the mall until 8pm and place shuts down at 10pm. They women that sold us the tickets thought we were ridiculous for paying for a day ticket when there were only two hours left, but it

was only $10 and that roller coaster looked like too much fun to pass up. Turns out, it wasn't even the best ride in the place. There was one that had us all shook up and feeling like we were getting too old for this find of fun. It was great fun while it lasted, but we didn't even last the full two hours. Oh, and can I just say... doing bumber cars with Malays was perhaps the most fun "cultural" experience yet! They really know how to hit ya.

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