Friday, February 15, 2008

Pictures this...

So I am having a fairly difficult time uploading picture from the ship for a few different reasons. I will try to post some once I get to land. I know you're waiting in suspense....
FYI... The entire shipboard community was updated about the NIU shootings this morning. I know a few people at that school that I knew from grade school years. Please keep those people in your prayers!


babie14 said...

Hey it's abbie, so it sounds like you are having an amazing time so far...did you shave your head? I hope not...your hair is so pretty, but I see your point in going all out! I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures. Your classes sound equally interesting as your discoveries on land! looking forward to reading more, have fun and stay safe! ~<3

Simone13 said...

Hey Jamie!!! I'm so glad to hear you had a great time in Brazil...I'm still anticipating to hear if you're actually going to shave your head or not! I hope you have an amazing time in sounds like you will be far away from Americanized culture since you'll be doing a lot of volunteer's sooo cold here in MO...Andrew and his brother left for New York this morning (Josh has an interview for grad. school) and I'm gonna be all alone in the apt. until Tuesday...I have to take care of Josh's dog, Lu, until then as well...I hope he's good for me :P

Bye for now!
~Simone :)

p.s. send me another facebook message if you can...when you get the chance :)