Sunday, February 10, 2008

On the ship...

Crossing the equator: Traditionally, Semester at Sea celebrates “Neptune Day” when the ship crosses the equator. Neptune Day is a day-long celebration that emulates an old sailor tradition of taking an oath, shaving your head, and doing something with fish guts. I am still unclear of the details but the big question here is… Are you going to shave your head? As a female, its somewhat difficult to imagine myself without any hair, but there are quite a few men on board who are adamantly sitting this one out. I am still up in the air about whether or not I will do it, but you should know that I am seriously considering it. Why be a part of something as big as this voyage and not go all out with it? (my answer is… I’ll be bald!) But really, I want to go all out and live it up. Technically, we crossed the equator for the first time Saturday, February 2. However, Neptune is being celebrated on February 14 to break up our long trip of crossing the Atlantic. We will be crossing the equator again after leaving Mauritius as we return to the Northern Hemisphere.
The Superbowl: Being that we are on a ship, we were unable to view the Superbowl in the traditional American way. However, some guys got together and were able to broadcast it over the internet for our audible pleasure. They asked people to sign a petition saying they would not use the internet during the hours of the game so that there would be enough signal to service the broadcast without any problems. It went fairly well and I’ve got our crowd on video, but we lost signal/connection at a few crucial moments. It was a very creative way to carry out a piece of our culture so many miles from home. Rumor has it that someone’s parents will be sending a tape of the game for our viewing pleasure sometime after Africa. In the end, some were upset and some were thrilled. To add my two cents in… especially not being able to see anything, it was very much a fourth quarter game!!!


Unknown said...

Don't go all Britney Spears on us, Jamie! Hope your equator party is fun! We are all freezing our tails off here. How was Brazil? When do you hit Africa? It was so nice to talk to you last week. I was in the van with Marissa at the time, so couldn't really fill you in on the news at home. We adopted a dog a few weeks ago, and that day he developed some symptoms that were fatal. I hadn't told Marissa yet, and was feeling awful, so if I sounded preoccupied, it's because I was! We are so happy that you are enjoying your trip. TTYL! -- Tammy

kkorte said...

I dunno Jamie...I'd be pretty tempted my self to join in on the tradition! It's a big decision but as long as your hair doesn't grow really slow I'd say GO FOR IT ;-)
Sounds like your having the time of your life. And props to the boys with the superbowl idea!
I hope your taking tons of pictures!

Teri said...

What an adventure!!!Sounds like you are having a good time. I'm with you on the sleep deprivation thing, though. I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures. You only live once, so take each day as it comes and live it to the fullest.
Love You-- Aunt Teri

Unknown said...

Hi Jamie,
I don't know if anyone else has contacted you, but I wanted to let you know that Uncle Butch passed away yesterday. I am not sure if you knew him, but he was my mom's brother. Sorry to deliver sad news this way. I don't have an e-mail address for you. If you have one, please send it to me.
Love, Tammy

jamrod said...

My email is or